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Monday, May 4, 2009

HK-Day 2

Apologies for not writing before, have been busy socializing and going to the beach!! haha...and since I have not been posting lately, just for this time I will write 2 posts!! yeah!! today is your lucky day!! haha...

Hong Kong is formed by a set of several islands, one of them being Hong Kong Island, which is where we live. Just opposite is Kawloon Island; it takes only 20 minutes in the subway. Besides the subway, which is called the MTR, public transportation includes the regular buses, the small buses and the "Ding Dings" (same as a tram). The name for the last one is because that is the sound it makes when it starts!

Stanley market is a great place for bargains; althought it is a bit of a tourist trap. You can find from gel packs for your back to large fans to hang on the walls.

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