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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

HK-Day 3

In the Mongkok area, located in Kowloon Island, you can walk find several famous markets within a short walking distance. This is one of the busiests areas of Kowloon, where you can find young people in their stylish shopping bags as well as the old local women doing their daily shopping. 

We started at the Flower Market, absolutly incredible!! the smell takes over the humidity!! beautiful colors, large variety and great prices! you can find a bunch of over 10 jazmins (my mom's favourite flower) for 12 Hk (about 6 Arg. pesos). You can also find mini bamboo trees and orchids...I really loved this market!

Then, we continued into the Bird Market. It is absolutly crazy to hear hundreds of birds singing non stop! sorry, but it was quite annoying and smelling!! You can buy the cages, birds and its food. The funny thing of all, is that birds are prized by their singing ability, not their plumage. You can find parrots, and grasshopers next to each other...bizarre!

Finally, we walked around the Goldfish Market, where you can find small fish displayed in plastic bags. Also, you can purchase exotic tropical fish, like 'Nemo'!! haha...Kittens, puppies and small turtles can also be purchased. Chinese people believed that fish bring good luck...I guess that exlpains it all!


  1. me encanta............sobre todo los JAZMINES !!! (me conoces....no ????)

  2. Silvia- jajaja...si!! si estuvieses aca te compraba unos!! jaja...ah! tambien venden la planta que me compraste en Londres, te acordas? que no moria nunca!! jaja...besos y gracias por el comentario!

  3. So are most of these creatures for sale as food? besides the gold fish which I guess from the pictures are for decoration

  4. Bueno, querida, mucha chachara, pero yo no veo mencion de como 'la operadora' via High Point te salvo de tus percances. En fin... quiero un POST detallado sobre ese tema. Achiguadosum! (My most humble attempt at Chinese!)

  5. Marta Chinesa!!
    Lindo tu 3 dia... pero.. si cuento, nos debes mas dias,nops? Q lindo Nemo!! Andamos comiendo muchos pescaditos... se te ve mas delgadita, eh!!! O sera el calor & humedad??
    y las flowers, me imagino..Una belleza!
    beijinhus, iemanja

  6. @ Saul - Hola and welcome!! they are sold as pets!! and food for the pets!! haha...Thanks for stopping by!!! btw sos mi primo?? haha...

    @ Solci - no te mencione porque no sabia si queres que te nombre en el blog!! GRACIAS SOLE POR TU AYUDA!! nose que hubiese hecho sin vos!! M Goi!! (thank you in Chinese!)

    @ Iemanja - gracias por el piropo...si! una mezcla de los calores y la comida!! jaja...igual, ya encontre unos postres que me encantan!! danger danger!! jaja... y tus fotos? para cuando el blog?!! jaja...besos


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