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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

HK-Day 1

Finally, after 10 1/2 hours flight and 7 hours difference from London I got to Hong Kong!! Luckly, someone was waiting for me and put me on a taxi to our 'home sweet home'. At the moment we are renting a flat in Causeway Bay; which is right besides Times Square (without the Broadway shows) and the expensive shops. Basically, is a big shopping area mainly for young kids that bring the latest fashion.

After sleeping for about 3 days (waking up at 5am and going for a siesta of 5 hours at 6pm), we did our first day trip. We took a ferry to Lantau (another island) to see Tian Tan Buddha - the world's largest seated bronze Buddah. It's quite impressive!

First impression of Hk? well, the public transportation is amazing! A.C everywhere, very necessary for the humidity and you never wait more than 3 minutes for the subway to arrive. Also, it is very cheap (each ride costs 50 HK dollar, which is 0.50 pounds, which is 2.50 Arg. pesos).


  1. uau gaucho girl!! que bueno! quierooo mas!!! beijos de iemanja en su tiera natal!

  2. por ahora parece hermoso !!!! muy limpio y ordenado.........pero falta el mercado !!!!! queremos verlo !!!!

  3. Hola Clau! Muy bueno tu blog... te paso de todo desde k saliste de Bs As hasta k finalmente llegaste a HK!
    Me alegra estes bien, y hayas empezado a disfrutar de donde estas, y con kien estas - Enda!
    Un besote y nos mantenemos en contacto.
    PD: El clima x aca esta mas caliddo k cuando estuviste, estamos con max de 21 y sol, y comentan k este verano sera caluroso, jajaj!

  4. Marta - en realida ya estas en France!! bonjour madam!! jaja...ya mando mas...gracias por leer y comentar!! besos

    Pelu muy bien por animarte a leer en Ingles!! good to practice your English!! jaja...en la proxima se vienen los mercados!!

    Vero - siii!! la verdad que me paso de todo!! jaja...que bueno que el clima esta bueno por alla, por aca tambien!! 25 grados y mucha humedad...y se viene el verano!! ahhh!!! que miedo!! jaja...

  5. You think that subway is cheap, come to the mainland. Everything is 1/3 the price of HK.


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