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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Amazing View

Today for a special treat you'll see my acting abilities!! haha...first video is just an introduction of HK Island seen from Kowloon side.

The next two videos are part of the Symphony of Lights, where 30 buildings on either side of the harbour participate in a massive 20-minute light and laser show. This happens every night at 8pm. I hope you like it!


  1. Nice acting ! - the light show looks amazing!

  2. Ahhh bueno Martu... solamente me faltaba ver en el blog tu parte artistica!! Conductora y Guia Turistica!!! All inclusive! Q grande amiga!
    La vista, ESPECTACULAR!!Todos los dias tenes ese show?? excelente! Nihauuuuu for you too!! beijosss de iemanja!! ah,para el camarografo tambien!

  3. que maravilla !!!! y tu actuacion ESPECTACULAR !!
    no se puede creer que todas las noches hagan semejante "despliegue de maldad insolente".......jajaja !!!

  4. Jock - Thanks for the comment and welcome! come back...more acting coming soon! ;)

    Iemanja - no podia faltar tu comment!! jaja...gracias amiga!! si, todos los dias el chow! totalmenchi free!! la verdad muy bueno!! gracias por los piropos! besos

    Silvia - jajaja...gracias!! y yo pregunto...a quiern habre salido??!! mmmmmm...como diria "chiquita"!! jaja...'despliegue de maldad insolente"? esa es la traduccion?!! jaja...terrible!! besos


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