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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Farewell Drinks

It was tough saying goodbye to family and friends, but I have to admit I'm very happy!! I can't wait for this new adventure to begin! The last week in BA, I went out for dinner almost every night, I had to watch my waist-so I couldn't order steak every night! boo hoo!

Wednesday night, the girls from "Grupete Brazil"came to my hood and had some delicious 'pinchos' at a Catalan Restaurante. We were having a great time: talking, drinking, gossiping (what women do!), when suddenly they presented me with a gift: a frame with pictures of all of us from Carnival in Bahia. I was speechless (something difficult in me); I did not expect it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will miss you all!!

Then, on Friday night, I had dinner with "Las chicas del secundario" (High School girls). It was amazing from the moment I walked in; as soon as I walked in they put me a Kimono (para entrar en ambiente! ja, ja); then we had sushi as an appetizer (from Sushi Club) absolutely delicious! and for main, meat with potatoes...the best part of course was the "Chocotorta" mmm...I'll miss it!!

All the alfajores they gave me with the fans were great! and the questions about Chinese vocabulary very funny!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To each one of you who shared this extended sabbatical year!! It was great reconnecting and finding people I had lost touch with. I will miss you all!

I will put a question at the end of each post...you can answer if you wish...

Q: What was your favourite farewell drinks/party?


  1. So Cuteeee!!!! Lo queremos colgado en la ventana!!!
    Te olvidaste de comentar sobre los abanicos que by the way.... estrenaste?? beijos amiga!

  2. Martuuuuuuuu!!! jajaja...gracias por contestar!! si!! los abanicos divinos!! me traje el de la noche...todavia no lo estrene...hay aire acondicionado en todos lados...no lo necesito!! igual esperemos a que venga el verano!! besos my friend!!

  3. Hey - I wear the pants in this blogosphere and I am the king blogger so who is you?

  4. You may think you wear the pants...but you ain't!! thanks for stopping by...and welcome to my blog!


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