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Thursday, June 18, 2009

First nigth in Jakarta

Indonesia's capital, Jakarta is chaotic, dirty and poor. By first impressions it's difficult to take in the slums and traffic jams (side comment: since there is so much dirt, there are quite a lot of cats! let's just say I was not a happy camper!)
We were in a hotel just in the centre (Jaksa area) for u$22 per night. We were exhausted from the whole airport saga, that we decided to get a few beers at a bar around the corner.

People are very friendly, they smile at you and try to practice the little English they know. Everything seemed harmeless...until we realized what was "really" going on!

In the hotel bar there was an Englishman (in his mid-40's) talking with a local boy (maybe 18 years old) and a local girl (in her 20's). They were all having a great time...talking and laughing...suddenly the kid puts his hand under the man's shorts (massaging his private bits!)...mmm... a bit strange we thought! The woman started walking around and chatting to other men. It was here that things took a new turn.

A local man (in his 30's) started walking around with a sheet of paper, writing names and collecting money. Later we realized across the street was the Brothel (Telo en Argentina), so the local guy was the Pimp and of course the hookers with their clients. When the hook up was made, they would go to the bathroom in the bar we were at, to wash their private bits and then cross the street to do the nasty!

After all this, we ordered another beer and went to another bar to have a few games of pool. Overall, a strange but interesting night!


  1. Que tal querida? Cuando volves? Cuadndo nos vamos a comunicar? Te exranio! Le di tu blog a un amigo chino de aca. Se llama Alex, te va a escribir.
    Me compre auto nuevo! Estoy re chocha!

  2. Solci - Hola mama!! si! congrats por el tutu nuevo!! creo que volvemos a mediados o fines de julio...asi que hablamos cuando vuelva...dale! decile a tu amigo que me escriba!! que tal el resto? todo bien? Cris? besos!! yo tambien TQM!!

  3. hola Clau !!!
    Es una cultura diferente (o se ve mas).....
    Nos encanto hablar con vos y verte. Sigan disfrutando !!!!
    Besos para vos y Enda.

  4. Silvia - sorry que recien contesto ahora pero las conecciones son pocas y muyyyyyyyy lentas!!! cuando vuelva a HK voy a volver a escribir...tenes que arrglar la compu que morio!! jaja...besos

  5. jaja! K experiencia la de ustedes! Un beso!Vero

  6. Hey Clau!
    I can see that you're Asian experience is full of adventure! Seriously! I love to read your blogs, look at the pics and see what new adventure you're up to! Miss you!

  7. Clau! Increible..empezaste el libro??? when Martu?? Recien me estoy poniendo al dia con all your trip!! si aun no tenian una mente abierta... mama, que cultura!!! en parte very similar a la nuetra tercermundista!beijosssssssss, iemanja!

  8. Vero - tarde me contesto! jaja...gracias por el comment! hay mas fotos y la aventura continua!! jaja...besos

  9. Cris - hola chica! great to hear from you! thanks for checking the blog! how are you? busy working? miss ya too!! XX

  10. Iemanja - jajja...empezar un libro??!! jaja...cualquiera!! igual gracias!! jaja...si! la aventura continua asi que segui checkeando...vamos vamos que vos tenes mucha culture!! no te me achiques!! besos


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