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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Victoria Park

Every Sunday the maids/helpers/nannies gather in Victoria Park. They are mostly from Malaysia and the Philippines; and Sunday is their day off. It's very common to have a maid here, it's quite cheap: 4000 HK = 400 pounds = 2000 pesos Argentinos per month. By law, they have to live-in with the family, which could be a bit awkward. But the loss of privacy is compensated with great service! Unfortunately, many people abuse this service; and it's not uncommon to make the maid sleep in a tiny closet, on the living room floor or even in the bathroom! Some are even sex slaves! really...unbelievable! I guess the good part is that they can work for 13 years and retire! or support their families back home with their jobs in HK.

What exactly do they do in the park/street? well...eat, talk, show pictures, pray, dance, do their make-up and hair and gossip of course!

What do you do on your day off?


  1. es terrible !!! sobre todo lo que comentas !!! es otra cultura,pero.........es la explotacion del hombre "por" el hombre........TERRIBLE. Pero por aca (en toda Sud y Centro America) tambien lo tenemos.........podremos cambiarlo ??? lo veran uds cambiado alguna vez ???? BUEN VIAJE !!! Espero noticias........

  2. Silvia - no se si podra cambiar algun dia...lo que vimos aca es que muchas mujeres tienen suerte de estar con una buena familia que las trata bastante bien...que se yo! hay gente que se aprovecha de la situacion desesperante de algunos...BUEN VIAJE PARA UDS TAMBIEN!! besos


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