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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chinese Dominoes

It's actually called 'Mahjong'; which is a board game similar to Rummy. There is a set of 144 tiles (fichas) of different suits (bamboo, circles and numbers); the goal is to make sets of 2 and 3...but to be honest I only played once and I didn't even understand it!! If you want to learn more about it, click here

For me, this is a social event. Almost every Sunday, we go to a friend's house to play Mahjong! Since there are only 4 players at a time you can chat and eat while the others play.

I have always been terrible at playing games...I don't like them at all!! I think it all started during my childhood...we used to play Rummy and Burako on the beach with my younger sister and my mom...and they would always kick my ass!! big time!!!

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