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Saturday, November 14, 2009


From Phmon Penh in Cambodia we went to Ho Chi Min City in Vietnam. Everybody uses a motorbike, so traffic is insane!! The roads are full of scooters...it's a total chaos!!

Then we flew from Ho Chi Min City to Hanoi in the north of Vietnam. The flight was very smooth, but still the locals kept throwing up. Yep! don't know why!!

The worst part, was that on the mini bus from the airport to the city, they continued puking!! unbelievable!! we were on the ground and the bags of puck were filling up rapidly! I guessed we should have suspected something when the driver starting handing out plastic bags as soon as we sat down.

The plan was to go to some beaches east of Hanoi, but the weather was pretty bad (actually there was a typhoon!) so we stayed in Hanoi for a couple of days, just relaxing and recovering from the puke saga!


  1. que facil les resulta movilizarse en esas motos super-cargadas !!!
    Increible !!
    estas hermosa !!! (soy tu mama) jajaja !!!

  2. Holis Marta!!
    Luego de los mimos de mamá..hehe, llego Eu!
    la verdad que en esos scooters se llevan de todo, como hacen para manejarlos asi?? que locura debe ser!
    mmm, los zapatos se ven feos no asi esos sombreros tipicos , hay souvenirs?? hehhe

  3. Silvia: gracias por los piropos!! y si!! sos la mama!! jaja...tenes que verlo para creer lo que pueden cargar en esas motos!! sin palabras!! besos

    Eu: es una locura cruzar las calles!! yo no me animo a manejar los scooters!! jajaja...mmm...sorry my friend!! no souvenirs de Vietnam...te dije que se me rompio la mochila y me tuve que compara una nueva??!! jaja...en serio!! besos


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